Like all organizations in Alberta, the impact to our business from the ongoing situation with COVID-19 has been significant. For the health and well-being of our staff, and to continue to meet our statutory obligations, we have adapted our business practices to serve the public sector remotely. We are confident that the change in how we provide our services will be minimal. We will continue to monitor public health restrictions from the Alberta government and orders from the Chief Medical Officer of Health about public safety.
Public sector employees looking for information about making a disclosure of wrongdoing or reprisal may find the answer on our employee awareness page. Those seeking advice may still contact us by phone, via email or in writing. Our intake line will remain open during regular business hours and we will respond to all calls and voicemails in a timely manner.
For the most up-to-date information about COVID-19, we encourage you to access the following resources:
We appreciate the challenges our public sector community is facing and we remain committed to providing advice and support throughout this ongoing situation.
Designated officers seeking advice on managing COVID-19 complaints under the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act can learn more about the topic here.