Elves Special Needs Society was granted an exemption from the requirement under Section 1(c) within Schedule 2 of the Regulation prescribing the principal of a school as a Chief Officer. Elves Special Needs Society operates several programs, all of which are not under the management oversight of the principal. Further, the principal functions in a role subordinate to the Executive Director. Due to the management structure of the organization, the principal would not be effective at carrying out the duties and functions of the Chief Officer. The Acting Commissioner imposed a condition that the Executive Director carry out the duties and functions of Chief Officer as set out in the Act.
Olds Mountainview Christian School was granted a partial exemption from certain requirements within the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act, on the basis that the size of the school made it impractical to for them to establish and maintain an effective whistleblower protection program. The school was exempted from the requirement to have procedures in place for internally receiving and investigating disclosures of wrongdoing, and from identifying a designated officer to receive such disclosures. A condition of the exemption, however, was that all allegations of wrongdoing must be made directly to the Public Interest Commissioner. Further, the school must provide its employees with the contact information for the Commissioner, and information regarding the protections extended to them under the Act.
There were no partial or full exemptions requested or granted during this period.
There were no partial or full exemptions requested or granted during this period.
There were no partial or full exemptions requested or granted during this period.